YogaWorks was the first school of its kind to blend the rigorous alignment technique of Iyengar Yoga with the breath-centered movement of Ashtanga and therapeutics of T.K.B. Desikachar's Viniyoga. It is the school that birthed the style of yoga, teacher trainings, and studios that is common today. YogaWorks teacher training is a demanding experience that emphasizes alignment, anatomy, and intelligent sequencing. Teachers from this school are known for their ability to work with beginners and injuries and bring a new depth of understanding of the embodied yoga practice to their classes.
Tias and Surya Little are contemporary teachers based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. They are highly respected teachers in the realms of yoga therapy and work of the subtle body, and are both students of Krishnamacharya's principle students, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and B.K.S. Iyengar.
Jason Crandell is a contemporary and influential teacher in his ability to effectively sequence and communicate nuance of biomechanical principles. Court continues to reap the benefits of her years spent studying closely with Jason and while assisting his workshops and trainings thereafter.
Much of Court's training in the Buddha-dharma draws mainly from the teachings of Brumese monk and teacher, Sayadaw U. Tejaniya. Court has explored and continues to deepen practice with the guidance of teachers Alexis Santos and Vance Pryor, among others. She is a part of the first joint long-form program for Buddhist Studies offered through Insight Meditation Society and the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies in Barre, MA from March 2022 through July 2023.
Classical Pilates is a set sequence that strongly adheres to Joseph Pilates original style. Because it focuses on movement and control coming from the full, three-dimensional core of the body, this system promotes the incredible therapeutic benefits of strong and supple hips, full-circumference strength in the center, great posture, and full breath practice.